'World News' 3"CD janek schaefer

Buy Here! released Nov 1st 2015

3" CD Included in the A3 print edition EPILOGUE03 by Bas Mantel [as above]

Label : REV.LAB [REV006CD/P] [Holland]

Track Listing: Running time: 21.00

1. This World
Featuring my friend Danny Lavie in Tel Aviv, listening to the car radio describing the escalating conflict there.

2. Our World
Missiles fly in both directions right over Danny's home early one morning.

3. Imagine a World

Voiceover soundtrack on 10" vinyl taken from the 'Imagine a World . . . ' installation.
Avatar vocal was created using a text to speech synthesis system.
Text created from quotations, and my own writing.
Exhibited at the Agency gallery, London.

4. Another World
Second part of the 'Imagine a World . . . ' installation soundtrack.
Broadcast via FM transmiter to 3 x 80's black boomboxes on a black wall with glitter planets


"......... Perhaps this is the new protest music of our time, I ask myself? ....
I found this a strangely compelling and contemporary work of art that transports you into another reality fraught with the unknown....
intriguing and unusual. Explore if you dare! "


A few months after the last release, the Rev Laboratories Bas Mantel is back with a new proposal interesting and tasty.
This is World News, ep four songs, played and composed by Janek Schaefer, the noted British artist and teacher of environmental records of sound manipulation.

The switch from a radio station to another of This World, describing a chaotic world and, intuitively, that of war and conflict
(Strokes / explosions that dot the track does not allow you to think about something else), introduce the quiet darkness of the void, on which lies a dramatic spoke lucidly of Our World.
The act almost devoid of personality Imagine A World, however, cold and calibrated, leaves room for ten minutes of absolute rest, made of drones, electronic calm and little else, the almost dreamy Another World.

The four tracks of World News, describing in little more than twenty minutes, the concept of the real world, perceived, imagined and dreamed, they prove themselves worthy of attention.
A hard conceptual and away from any sound scheme "classic", communicates in a successful, through its refined abstraction sound.
A sophisticated and intellectual work that will delight listeners more attentive and sophisticated.


Janek Schaefer brings over 20 years of impressive releases from, alone or together with such artists as Philip Jeck, Stephan Mathieu, Radboud Mens and Charlemagne Palestine.
Stubbornly ends his music somewhere between ambient, abstract electronic and experimental music. In addition, he always plays with sound, space, time and environment.
This has probably to do with his architect studies, which he completed at the Royal College of Art. His latest work World News is inserted in the Epilogue 003 magazine.
Based on ominous and claustrophobic news Schaefer creates four exciting plays, which are a hybrid of plunderphonics, field recordings, spoken word and ambient.
His heart-pounding music is complemented by samples from the world. This works confrontational, but Bide the listener space to think and daydream. It is an intriguing and
made by the throat gripping album that you will not easily let go.

Vital List
So far Amsterdam based label Rev Laboratories worked together with Aagoo Records for their releases,
and so far much of this deals with handling the visual side of the releases (check for instance Vital
Weekly 881 and 906), but perhaps Bas Mantel (from Rev Laboratories) was also responsible for curating
the musical sides of these projects? He is surely now, on this 3"CD and booklet. The booklet takes
the size of a newspaper (tabloid size) and deals with 'claustrophic revelations, silent confessions
and tormenting nightmares. Its source material is taken from several international newspapers over
the period May 03 to May 10, 2014". It comes to you in stark black and white, like cut-up poetry in
the best dada style (soon celebrating 100 years of the Cabaret Voltaire, mind you! - if of course
that has any relevance on this particular project). It looks great I think. I am not sure of course,
but it might very well be that Janek Schaefer takes his source material from radio sources (more
world news!) and to various degrees processes these. In 'This World', the opening piece, this is most
present, with various radio signals floating about in the mix. This world sometimes makes you insane.
In 'Our World' Schaefer turns towards his family with something that sounds like recorded in a war
zone, with somebody (Schaefer perhaps) telling us about explosions outside and that his daughter is
sleeping beside him, but in the end he goes to sleep again, all of this with a fine, dark drone
based undercurrent. 'Imagine A World' is news from the future world, which may not always be bright
if we don't look at the changes of our climate. The final piece is 'Another World' there is not much
spoken word, but perhaps the lengthy, austere drones of this pieces is supposed to be a space ship
transporting us to another dimension? This is quite a diverse release, with quite a bit of spoken
word of varying sources and perhaps much like a newspaper has many voices. Both music and visuals
make up an austere yet beautiful package. (FdW)
